I may trasfer this to a different blogg eventually, but for now I wanted to post my dad's journal of his trip and will update as he sends more:
SAS Journal – 2005
The Adventure begins!
It starts with a pleasant ride to the airport with Ann discussing generational viewpoint and biases, leaving behind a number of jobs undone with the truck and RV. Checked in and thru security without a problem and in about 1 hour. Nothing different until we were on the runway, and took off about 10 minutes late. Arrived in Miami 15 minutes late, and I had to exit the secure area and check-in at Continental. Fortunately, they had changed the flight number and time, so while I started rushed, I ended with plenty of time, especially since that flight took off 10 minutes later than scheduled.
I didn’t feel like I was on an adventure until I was over the Atlantic in the Continental turbojet. Now started the new experiences. I met a couple of students also going on SAS while waiting for my luggage. Unfortunately, after getting thru immigration, I found that my luggage hadn’t kept up. Apparently, the number of students coming in to the Island with 2 heavy bags had overloaded a number of flights. After going thru the paperwork, had a pleasant ride to the hotel Atlantis on Paradise Island. After check-in and settling into the room – without luggage – did a small walk-around and dinner, since I was without lunch.
While at the restaurant, I discovered that my usual libation was not easy to order. Trying to say “dry vodka gibson on the rocks” didn’t translate very well. The first waitress thought I said “rye Gibson” so gave me one made with Jamesons. She corrected the error. The second thought I said “dry vodka gimlet” so when she brought the drink with a lime in it instead of onions, I mentioned this difference and she took it away and returned with onions – I suffered thru that gimlet.
While waiting at the bar for a table, I met a man who expressed sympathy for my wrong drinks. Since he was drinking champaign, I asked him what the occasion was. Turns out he was a butler on a night off. We were discussing his job when I was called away to the table. He worked for a couple on the West side of the island, running an establishment with 47 servants – inside and outside. I went back to the bar after dinner, and he was still there, but talking with a lady so I didn’t feel free to get more details of his job since I was very curious.
I have discovered that this hotel – I guess being a resort – is definitely a la carte. They charge for everything extra, and they consider everything extra– internet, local phone, and graciously add a 15% gratuity to all services. Thank goodness, they do allow you to add to the gratuity (which I do, very occasionally).
I returned to my room, and after struggling a while, went to bed, at 9:30 EDT. (BTW, the time on these islands is either EDT or a time zone which is 1 hour later, but not daylight savings.) Hot and humid!!
Boring! And a little stinky and sticky. Mostly waiting for my luggage, which finally showed up around 8PM. In the meantime, just wandering around exploring, checking back with the bellhops every 30-45 minutes.
After getting both bags, freshening up and changing clothes, went down to the lobby where a lot of SAS students and parents were meeting up and planning the evening. Met a couple of parents, PA $ WI, here to see their children off. They weren’t aware of senior adult passengers, and were curious about my life.
Back to my room around 11, and to bed.
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